Adult Services

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Tell your story and search for lost pieces of yourself. Here, everything is about you your feelings, emotions, goals, and problems, everything that relates to you. A professional therapist accompanies you on this journey. They attentively listen to you in a safe space and assist you in uncovering clues. Together, we aim to gain deep insight into you and understand why sometimes we make decisions that seem strange even to ourselves, or why at times, we struggle to improve our own well-being. With the assumption that our personality is not fixed in a single day, we begin exploring everything that may be significant, from the earliest childhood memories to the dream world, our friendships – everything can be important.

Group Therapy

Group Therapy

Imagine a week where you're juggling so many roles - you're a mom, an employee at work, a friend, a daughter - and you're feeling overwhelmed. Where can you go to find solace and understanding? Picture a safe space where people gather, all seeking the same thing: a place to express their week, their fears, and a common topic that everyone can relate to. Here, you can safely cry or scream, knowing that whatever is shared stays within those walls and that there are people who truly get you.

Many times, as adults, we forget to prioritize ourselves and attempt to navigate everything alone. However, groups like these can serve as vital self-care tools. This is the essence of group psychotherapy for adults. It's more than just a therapy session; it's a lifeline for those navigating the complexities of life. In this supportive environment, individuals facing similar challenges come together to connect and share experiences, fostering a profound sense of belonging and validation. Through these interactions, members gain diverse perspectives, empathy, and invaluable coping strategies, leading to deep insights and self-discovery.

With its cost-effective nature, group psychotherapy also makes mental health support accessible to a broader range of individuals, breaking down barriers to care.



Our workshops are dynamic, collaborative sessions where participants join forces to learn new skills, exchange ideas, and tackle specific tasks or projects. These sessions come in various formats, durations, and topics, tailored to meet the workshop's goals and objectives. Here's a glimpse into what typically unfolds during a workshop:

  • Introduction: The facilitator sets the stage, outlines the agenda, objectives, and expectations to provide context and direction.
  • Presentation or Demonstration: Presentations or demonstrations introduce essential concepts, techniques, or tools by the facilitator or invited experts.
  • Interactive Activities: Hands-on engagement with activities like group discussions, brainstorming, case studies, role-playing, simulations, or practical exercises ensures active learning.
  • Group Collaboration: Participants team up, working in smaller groups to collaboratively tackle tasks, fostering teamwork, peer learning, and the exchange of expertise.
  • Feedback and Reflection: Opportunities for feedback, questions, and reflection through discussions, surveys, or personal reflections facilitate interactive exchange.
  • Conclusion: A summary of key takeaways, insights, and actionable next steps is shared as the workshop wraps up, along with additional resources for continued learning.
  • Follow-Up: Some workshops are part of broader learning initiatives, leading to follow-up activities or resources to reinforce learning and sustain development.
  • In essence, our workshops are immersive, participatory experiences focused on practical outcomes, empowering participants to acquire new skills, deepen understanding, and apply knowledge in real-world scenarios.